RUIN: A Board Game
- Event
- Global Game Jam
- Attribution
- Kaylee Menard Graphic & Game Designer
- Jared Thomson Game Designer & Engineer
- Chris Ziraldo Game Designer & Production
- Date
- 2016
- Type
Game Design
Game Piece/Board Design
Playing Card Design & Production
With a 48 hour time limit, we set out to create a board game that would be playable by a maximum of 8 people at the end of Global Game Jam 2016.
We fleshed out a general game concept then created a rough production schedule with overlaping game mechanics development and fabrication of the game board and pieces on a CNC router. In other words, we would use paper and post-its to refine gameplay and finalize visual designs. The final hours of the game jam were spent sanding plywood, waxing game pieces, and production of the action cards.